Alfa Mobility

Billing details for our Nordic countries

Billing details

Alfa Mobility Sweden AB

Billing address & registration no.

We want all invoices in a pdf-format to be sent to our accounting department in Jönköping, Sweden.

Phone +46 (0)10-331 38 00


Registration no. 5565010229

VAT no. SE556501022901

Our reference no. or name of the client should be stated on the invoice.

Bank details

Smålandsgatan 17
105 71 Stockholm


Account number: 182 127 0293

IBAN: SE47 9500 0099 6018 2127 0293

Pay with a credit card

You may also pay with a credit card. You will receive a link by email from our Financial department for safe payment.

No app is needed, it’s simple!

Pay with Swish

To pay with Swish you need to open the Swish app in your phone and scan the Swish symbol below, or enter Alfa’s Swish number 123 088 66 71. When the app is opened, the amount and payee will be shown, and you approve the payment with your Mobile BankID as usual.

It is very important that you note your name and invoice number in the message to secure the payment.

Swish no. 123 088 66 71


Alfa Mobility Denmark A/S

Faktureringsadresse & registreringsnr.

Alle fakturaer i pdf sendes til vores regnskabsafdeling i Jönköping, Sverige.

Telefon +46 (0)10-331 38 00


Registreringsnr. 28700377

VAT-nr. DK28700377

Vores referencenr. eller kundens navn skal angives på fakturaen.


Nordea DK
Grønjordsvej 10
2300 København S


Kontonr. 9036364707

IBAN: DK7020009036364707

Betal med kreditkort

Du kan også betale med kreditkort. Du modtager et link via e-mail fra vores økonomiafdeling for sikker betaling.

Der er ikke behov for en app, så enkelt er det!


Alfa Moving Norway A/S

Faktureringsadresse og registreringsnr.

Alle fakturaer i pdf skal sendes til vår regnskapsavdeling på hovedkontoret i Jönköping, Sverige.

Telefon +46 (0)10-331 38 00


Registreringsnr. 888028102

MVA-nr. NO888028102

Vårt referansenr. eller navn på kunde skal angis på fakturaen.


Nordea NO

Essendrops gate 7
0368 Oslo


Kontonr. 6075.05.77558

IBAN: NO1360750577558

Betal med kredittkort

Du kan også betale med kredittkort. Vår økonomiavdeling sender deg en e-post med en lenke for sikker betaling.

Det er enkelt, ingen app er nødvendig!


Alfa Mobility Norway A/S

Faktureringsadresse og registreringsnr.

Alle fakturaer i pdf skal sendes til vår regnskapsavdeling på hovedkontoret i Jönköping, Sverige.

Telefon +46 (0)10-331 38 00


Registreringsnr. 992426764

MVA-nr. NO992426764

Vårt referansenr. eller navn på kunde skal angis på fakturaen.


Nordea NO

Essendrops gate 7
0368 Oslo


Kontonr. 6075.05.77558

IBAN: NO1360750577558

Betal med kredittkort

Du kan også betale med kredittkort. Vår økonomiavdeling sender deg en e-post med en lenke for sikker betaling.

Det er enkelt, ingen app er nødvendig!


Alfa Mobility Finland Oy

Laskutusosoite ja rekisteröintinumero

Kaikki laskut lähetetään kirjanpito-osastollemme Ruotsin Jönköpingiin.

Puhelin: +46 (0)10-331 38 00


Rekisteröintinumero: 2049536-2

ALV-numero: FI20495362

Viitenumeromme tai asiakkaan nimi tulee ilmoittaa laskussa.

Pankin tiedot

Nordea FI
Siltasaarenkatu 12
00530 Helsinki


IBAN: FI8118205200009921

Maksu luottokortilla

Voit maksaa myös luottokortilla. Saat sähköpostitse linkin talousosastoltamme turvallista maksua varten.

Sovelluksia ei tarvita!

Billing details

Alfa Scandinavia AB

Billing address & registration no.

We want all invoices in a pdf-format to be sent to our accounting department in Jönköping, Sweden.

Phone +46 (0)10-331 38 00


Registration no. 5566877519

VAT no. SE5566877519

Our reference no. or name of the client should be stated on the invoice.

Bank details

Smålandsgatan 17
105 71 Stockholm


Account number: 182 127 0293

IBAN: SE47 9500 0099 6018 2127 0293

Pay with a credit card

You may also pay with a credit card. You will receive a link by email from our Financial department for safe payment.

No app is needed, it’s simple!

Pay with Swish

To pay with Swish you need to open the Swish app in your phone and scan the Swish symbol below, or enter Alfa’s Swish number 123 088 66 71. When the app is opened, the amount and payee will be shown, and you approve the payment with your Mobile BankID as usual.

It is very important that you note your name and invoice number in the message to secure the payment.

Swish no. 123 088 66 71

Contact Us

Customer Reflections
What great news before the Easter holidays! It’s all very exciting, so it’s great to have one less thing to worry about. Thank you for your assistance with getting this through, you’ve made the process very painless and you’ve been extremely reliable – I appreciate that very much. Best Regards
Customer Reflections
Good evening,
I am so pleased to inform that we have received your daughter’s permit as well. The same rules apply for her as stated below in regards to residence permit card and re-entry permit. It has been a pleasure to assist you and your family with the new permits and I am really glad that they accepted your daughter’s permit although she is over 18 years old. Alfa Immigration Team
Customer Reflections
I would like to thank you for all the cooperation you have provided us since last month. We really appreciate your services and very pleased to have worked along with you. Thank you again for being so kind as you have helped ease the process of our relocation.
Thanks so much for all the help through this process. Also wanted to say thanks again for the call this morning – really saved me a lot of time and it’s fantastic this went through so quickly.
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